Friendship.... makes you strong

             I know, as teenagers, you start to build a strong relationship with your friends and later, you call each other as BFF or best friends forever. You create a unique name to call to each other. In this article, let me share my experiences and introduce my super friends.

             watch this video that I made for my close friend....... :)

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Teenagers Courtship: Past and Present

Courtship is an action of expressing love for someone. Courtship is a beautiful topic for teenagers, they are so interested. And now, on this article, I would like to differentiate what are the things that a man do when he is courting a girl in the past and present.

          On the past, teenagers have a high standard when it comes in courtship. Even the parents were so strict in allowing their children to court or being courted by someone. Parents wanted to see the man in their own house; they wanted the courtship for their girl to happen in the house because for them, it’s a sign of respect not only for the parents but also for the girl.

            Here in the Philippines, when a guy is courting a girl, they do it in the evening and they serenade the girl in the house. They used a guitar for the instrument and a love song that expresses their admiration and love for the girl. Another way of courting a girl here in the Philippines in the past is offering a free service for the family of the girl. For example, when the father of a girl is a farmer, the guy helped the father in the farm or the guy will helped the girl is house choirs and so many more.

            Another way of courting a girl in the past was writing a love letter for the girl. A love letter contains admiration and love for the girl. Another is giving a flower or a food, specifically a chocolates or any sweet food.

            Every man has different way of expressing his love for a girl. All I know is that when my grand-mother talked about courtship in her time, it was so romantic. The guy expresses his love and admiration in a respectful way for the girl and also for the parents.

          The same with the way of a man in the past, some teenagers do some techniques in courtship.  But because of our modern world, some techniques are disappeared and many are added.

            The big difference of courtship between today’s teenager and before is that courtship is the true actions of visiting houses of a girl making love proposals personally and most of all making love letters. Unlike today most courtship among teenagers is done through text messaging on cell phones. But this courtship as we all know is all done only on the click of the hands with no other effort. This makes courtship among teenagers today easier but as far as parents are concerned, this could be unreliable and not sincere. It’s hard to know the sincerity of a guy to a girl.

For a man, if you truly loved the girl, make sure that you expressed it in the right place and in the right way.

Teenagers Curiousness

             Some of the things that we do are all starts from curiousness. All teenagers has its own curiosity, they ask themselves if “what is this?”, “what is the feeling if I do this?” They have a lot of question if what, when, how, all starts from this questions.

            Teenagers wanted to try all the things under the sun; they want to know the things that they saw in other people especially if that someone is really enjoying in what he/she do. They wanted to know what will happen if they tried it on their own. And most of the teenagers wanted to try, even though sometimes the effect is not good for their young age.

            One of the example of this is love, many girls or even boys are so curious what is the feeling of being in love, what is the feeling of having a boyfriend/girlfriend, the feeling of courting a girl for boys. Some effects are good but most are bad for their young age. Some teenagers who get involved in a wrong romantic relationship will cause heart aches, bitterness in their heart, they become lonely emotionally. They will not focus on their study.

            Another example is vices like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in a very young age, nowadays, teenagers had involved in this kind of thing. Another is premarital sex that leads for a girl to have teenage pregnancy. Another worst thing that starts in curiosity is taking drugs.

But on the other side, curiosity has a good effect on our lives and eventually, all the invention of the entire scientist starts in curiosity that has good benefits in our lives. Teenagers that tried learned many lessons when they failed on the things that they tried or they have succeeded in what they did that starts in curiosity. Some became strong and get matured in their young age. They have new experiences that made them a better person. Some shared their experiences to others.

 The world offers different things, some are good and some are bad. Many things in this world are eye catching especially for teenagers, but teenagers, guard your mind, guard your eye, not all the things in this world is beneficial, not all curiosity is good.

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a PUPPY LOVE for teenagers

            Who can ever forget his/her first love? Or let me say a puppy love? Everyone falls in love, everyone felt the admiration for someone and for teenagers, this is the nicest or let me say an unforgettable feeling that a person could ever feel. You are smiling even though sometimes it’s not funny, you are inspired, you’re out of yourself every time that special someone is beside you, you think everything is fine and many said “I’m in heaven.”
            For a young age or a teen age, this is called a puppy love. A deep infatuation for someone, deep admiration for someone when you are in a young age. But many teenagers thought that this is a true love, which it will last forever. Maybe for some it’s a yes but for many teenagers, it is not.
            Love is the most topics of all the teenagers right now when they hang out, either a boy or a girl. For them, it’s the most interesting topic, most interesting feeling. Some teen age boys’ start to the stage of courtship to the special girl they admired. Many of them are successful in courting and the girl became their girlfriends but also some of them didn’t. Even though they are in a young age, they start to expressed their feelings on what they called “love”. They are so very young for that courtship coz they can’t hide the feeling, they can’t handle that feeling, and they can’t hide that deep infatuation. A puppy love is just for teenager because when they grew up, they will know the difference between what love is and a puppy love.

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5 simple ways a teenager can be a good friend

“Am I a good friend?”, “How to have a lot of friends in school/community?”, “What is the trait to became a good friend?” being a teenager, have you asked this kind of questions to yourself? Or you wanted to have a lifelong friendship relationship? Well this article for you teenager will help to become a good friend.

1.     BE HONEST
We have a nice quotation that honesty is the best policy. Yes! It’s true. Teenager, you have to be honest, first with yourself and second to others especially to those who you want to be with. Being teenager is the start of having a lot of friends so be true to them, tell them what you really are, act what you really are, be honest because that’s the start of having and being a good friend.

Being a teenager, good listener is a good trait of a friend. You will become closer because you share lots of things, maybe about family, a problems and so on. You should not only hear what your friend is saying but you should listen and offer a feedback.

This is the most important; you have to learn to trust your friend. If you have a doubt to your friend always and you don’t learn to trust them, your friendship will not last long.

This is the most fun and cool rule teenager, have fun, enjoy being with them. Teenager really wanted to have fun, to enjoy life, to enjoy what they have. Being with your friend is really a stress free time, you have to laugh hard, enjoy each other’s company. Teenager does love this, live life to the fullest.

This is accompanied with be a good listener. You should share your thoughts, your ideas, what you really want, what are you feeling, are you okay in this kind of situation or not. You should learn to be open for them to know more about you, then if they truly loved you as a friend, then they will accept you as you are.

Teenagers! I hope this article will help you to become a good friend or to become a human being. Remember what a quotation said, “Same feathers flock together.” Your friends will determine what you really are.


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TEENAGE LIFE: Formation of the Personality of the Child

            Teenage life is the most important part of human life is far as personality is concerned. It is the stage of lives most vulnerable, sensitive and most exciting.

            One’s personality is being formed at this stage of life. From childhood to adolescence stage transcend here. Adolescence stage is a sensitive part because it is here the child’s mind, senses, hobbies, likes and dislikes and how he/she understands the world we live in developed. That’s why some children become worldly, some children become out going, some children at this early stage realizes the real meaning of life-every minute is gold.

            For the parents to be satisfied with the formation of their child’s personality, they should monitor and have from time to time talked with their child. Also, investigating who are their child’s friends or “barkadas”. Because the saying “tell me who your friends are, and I tell who you are” most of the time it holds true.

            So, we should not neglect the child’s attitude at his/her adolescent stage. The way he/she talks, moves and thinks is what he/she be when he/she gets old.

            Therefore, the attitude of an adult is reflection of one’s attitude during his/her adolescence stage. Therefore, it’s very important for the parents should know how to cope up with the child’s transition stage. Remember, we cannot turn back the hands of time. The child attitude is a reflection on how parents brought up the child to life. Parents should embraced their child now before they will be embraced by undesirable personality.

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Teen Age Life

The most enjoying part of a human life is during his/her teen age life. This is the time when we explore some of the things that a child cannot, a stage which you can enjoy some of the things that a life could offer, for example; the love aspects, having a multiple group of friends, having a high standard of fashion for a girl coz this is the time when the body has many changes. For a guy, this is the time when you can legally express your admiration to a girl.

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