a PUPPY LOVE for teenagers
Who can ever forget his/her first love? Or
let me say a puppy love? Everyone falls in love, everyone felt the admiration
for someone and for teenagers, this is the nicest or let me say an
unforgettable feeling that a person could ever feel. You are smiling even
though sometimes it’s not funny, you are inspired, you’re out of yourself every
time that special someone is beside you, you think everything is fine and many
said “I’m in heaven.”
a young age or a teen age, this is called a puppy love. A deep infatuation for
someone, deep admiration for someone when you are in a young age. But many
teenagers thought that this is a true love, which it will last forever. Maybe
for some it’s a yes but for many teenagers, it is not.
is the most topics of all the teenagers right now when they hang out, either a
boy or a girl. For them, it’s the most interesting topic, most interesting
feeling. Some teen age boys’ start to the stage of courtship to the special
girl they admired. Many of them are successful in courting and the girl became
their girlfriends but also some of them didn’t. Even though they are in a young
age, they start to expressed their feelings on what they called “love”. They
are so very young for that courtship coz they can’t hide the feeling, they
can’t handle that feeling, and they can’t hide that deep infatuation. A puppy
love is just for teenager because when they grew up, they will know the
difference between what love is and a puppy love.
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